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hE l P me change My background.. :)
PLLzsee plzz.

:) R O A R (:

awww!!! so so sweett!

yEEEEEPPIIEEZZ!!!! like yayayayaya..

Yesterday, was the happiest day ever.. which is on the 17 of may.

after school i met WAN! ya wan, my ex. he hor.. very stubborn. cee la his ex who.

much more stubborn ok. OMG! he got into a gang fight!! like HELL u! then yesterday, complaint he got body ache. tu larh. saper suro jdi org tngh! kn da kene.

on top of it, as i was waiting for him at wdl interchange, i was standing behind the escalator n he didnt even notice me. screw him larr! ass.. haha.. waaa!! my ex is a real loser. even wan told me that. hymm. poly life..
still kinda in theheppy no shagging mood. damn asshole! i have not even stared my 5 week journal! n again screw me!! waahahaha..

bud still can mit wan ha after that! ayn2! wake up lar gundu. ok. i got noting to say more! plus! he held my hand after so long.. ;) helipe shalala.

go to hell wit u

huaaaa!!! just hua hua hua.. IMO so shocked!! so shocked when he actually took that thing.
i donnoe where have i gone wrong.
is it that I'm stupid to fall for a guy like him. he just even hurt me even more.
now, i could not be bother anymore what he wants to do anymore.
i just say. bye syg! i cannot be bother anymore, coz the more i think of it, the more i kinda hate u. n the more i will miss u. i think, its all bcoz of the new guy that just join working with him. he suddenly change, he knows i love him bud he just take it for granted. i cant understand what more he wants from me.
now, he doesn't wanna MIT me, as he consider him self dirty.
bud, i would still remember vividly what i n he had gone through.
i just think! men's ego are just too thick!! how i wish in this world of mine, the izzen such a thing called man with ego.
now, i consider myself as a broken soul.
yet! I'm not crying over this, even tho i did cried a Lil bit. it is just not worth it.
just not worth it.
lesson in life. if you think tat person is the right guy for you, bud he is attached with sum1 else.
don't follow your instinct to find a guy tat is a stranger n try to love him.
coztis is what happen.

i just hope, i can get over things with the help of my frens which i call LOVE!
jgn lar bace jer comment lar skali.
bye uu! i gonna miss uu. i hope.

those were the times.

7th may 2007

wargh! today was an absolute boring day! ey. i learnt quite alot tau nari. i learnt that i am capable of taking pple blood pressure. finding the pulse beat was super fun! pluz! learnt new things bout medical terms. but for now i cant recall anyting.

CNP!! yea! my fav lesson of all! wanna noe y, coz its full of laughter n excitement! fer today! we played the listening game. verbal n non-verbal. direct n indirectly. she played the song of band of bandits, it reminds me of wan! n pluz my father. kip playing the same old song again n again.

hey! now i really feel so agitated by nizam.! i dont think he likes or love me as the way i am. n i dont think he understands me. we got so many things uncommon! recently, i called him. btw, fer ur info, fer the last few days i noe he had been kipping things behind my back. i noe, if he is contacting with other gurls or what. i just dont think he really suits me. bak pepatah melayu, tk mcm pinang di belah dua. as i was saying, he called me, n he talks to me those kind of tone whereby guys r really desperate of having sex with their patner. i reallly truly dont like the way he behaves. n pluz, i really dont feel secure when i with him. he just agitated me more n more every single moment when i am with him. as he was saying those disgusting things to me, i feel like slapping his face. he knows i dont like to talk abt dirty things, n he kept telling me those fucking things witch i hate. this makes me even more to hate him.

i dont know how to say to him, n work things out with him. he doesnt even give me a chance to love him. now~!!! my feelings r so so so messed up. i told my guy friend abt this, n he was saying. u break up wit him sudah. warghh!! how i hate to be in dillemma. like FUCK YUE! argh..
ya tuhan!! ya allah!! kau tlng la hambamu ini ya allah. aku rasa amat berdosa kepada mu ya allah. kau nyala kn la pelita dlm hidup aku ini ya allah. mengapa kau siksa hamba u ini ya allah. aku mohon maaf darimu ya allah. subhanauallah! laila ha illauwa!! :( :( :( :(!!!!! in so so sorry.


6th may 2oo7.

haha. im waiting fer jo to call me, n it takes hours. like wow!! hah, wads sup wit jo??? he is so called my "scandal"! wakakaka. yarr! even my bf doesnt treat me like jo did. my bf is a loser!! remember. okok..

today, i had a study group thingy with te recent sec5, n i was like thier kakak. wakakak. speaking of kakak, tad wen i was at blk 204 mamakhop. the guy in there was calling me kakak!! im not so old ok! i dont look old precisely like halla yue!! ey!! 205 really change alot! mcm jdik lebih tk senonoh! kesian sey saper yg tinggal pt sane. heng r i move house oready. n yarhk! so gross man the place! yucky yuck yuck! we prceed again! n it was me, shahril n apiz. then proceed to blk 25! bcoz! no plugg! which i can plug in my laptop yg mintak nyawa! wrghh! in the midst of that, i kena strike saket perot! i tink kena fo poisoning sia!!like yaa!! wow! super greatness gotta tahan! bud cannot tahan anymore! proceed to kaisah hse! luckyly dkat! kalo tk abes aku!! yarh! study2!! i crack my head fer 4 hrs to complete 2 jounals of cnp! like wad ever!!! wrgh! strees somemore wen my mom kip babbling merepek things!

n yarh! wads sup wit my guy! he didnt cal, msg! nothing at all. at least did anta forward msg! like go to hell la yue nizam!! fuck yue!! n fuck mie fer fucking yue!
n pluz! my bf stinkz! i wanna watch spideyman! shal watch wit jo! wakakakaka, or wan.? donnoe lehh. aiyah!

i better stop! wanna sleepz! halaluya yue! ps! my left eye kip twincing! something bad gonna eventually happen soon! oh oh, takkoot!! dada1 ;)

i dont care anymore

5th may 2007

hey! its a wonderfull start of the day, but something spoilt my day.
i called him empire times n even msg him, to ask, 'u on or u off n mitting me.'
then got to know, he say, he msg me if he WANTS to met me. i was ok. i hope eventually that we will met up today. i even put aside all my dates wit my bf(wan OR jo) n my gf. bud he..
doesnt even make full use of that. im starting to hate this guy.
you noe what, his behavior is just the same as my ex bf before wan. similar!!
how i wish i can break thru things with him, coz i dont even love him in the 1st place.

wargh!! aynn! y r u soso so stupid. very dumb ass.
so as i was saying, i was a loner today. i msg wan! he was strumming his guitar! boy! how i miss hearing you playing the guitar. he was perfect for me, bud. haiz!! i donnoe what has wen wrong with us. i hope tommoro i will met him in coinsidence. jo msg me, u wanna go fun fair! even i abide that! haiz! all bcoz of the stupid old wrecked face bodoh man! wargh!

today was no fun! n i have not done any preps bout my CNP thingy! n it was due in 1 day time.
argghz!! streeaz! n i so so so badly wanna watch spiderman3!

*don bcome a dumbass like me*
I TRULLY WANNA SAY "ur axillary stinks to the core!!"

starting i wrote a diary

4th may 2007

sch was faboulous today. it was be your sch day tday, evry1 was required to wear sec sc shirt,anyshirt, be it PE attire or uniform. bud i wore my 5a class shirt.
n yars!! only mas, pris n huilu wore full uu. they look extremely kewl, bud i envy pris uni, like sososososo very style. haha. oo, lecture was extremely boring, indeed in so pissed off wit my FON lecturer. FON! full of nonsense. indeed it is super merepek.
waaaa.. sha didnt come. i bet she was having a bad day, yesterday bout the jab thingy.
she'll recover soon la.. strong gurll wan la!

eyy!! hee tat dola like sits beside mie, not exactly beside mie, bud was kinda nearer to me thru out the day.
wakaka. bud fer mic, he came late,like duh! always not on time. hey, wads sup wit dolla. he is just a fren cum ehm2 life, kinda like him, bud shush. im notingwit him. plus im attached la.

tat fon lecturer release us earlier, due to some technical prob. wakakaka. then i rush chop2 skipped the library thingy, mit wan. yeeaa!! my beloved ex. ey he is my ex, bud still he still is my BOY FRIEND. haha. i missed hanging out wit him, tho today we didnt mit up that long, i felt so secure. eyy!! he look diff sie, look more matured. kinda ike his new hairstyle. whoa. n im a bad gurl! very BADD!! i mit my ex behind my guy. n yarrhs. we r hanging ard causway point. haha.luckily no1 spot us. whoosshh..
abide tat!! i gotta rush home, coz i fergot to bring my sports attire, believe anot, i justjoin obs!! haha. wan was laughing out of his lungs. eyy.. i can run k. haha. wen i reached sch. i went straight to dolaa, " wan kirim salam" he said! kau maseh contact ngan dier. haha.. ey, my feelings was sosososos dup dup.haha.he was actually talking to me. like duhh! i donnoe la, wen he talks to me, my heartbeats go faster! haha, yarr!!!!!! too bad im attached. awww.
i tink i don like my guy, i told wan bout him. he gime encouragement to go thru wit him, waa. he says, who noes, there will be chemistry. suddenly i blush, i look at wan n he gimme tat look tat i like bout him. waaaa.. dillemma.
n yar!! after a chat wit dolla, the pas lecturer, mr bubbly thomas. haha. i like his lecture, sososo very the fun. after tat, we have nsl, yarr!! i like nsl too, bud it was kinda dry today.
i learnt new werd today!! arm is called the AXILLA.
kewl haaa. im gonna use tat, example!! eyeww! ur axilla stinks.
hahahaharr!! yarr! go fer ob. it was fun tho i didnt join the rest, only me, sha n shu juan went fer our own jog. wakakaka. they help me thru out the way n plus!! my joint on my elbow still hurt like hell. n yarr!! i learnt tat!! not to be late againn. the rest was like giving! gd 1 ain!

friday the 4th of may was indeed sumting. haa. cant wait fer tomorrow to come.

ayn cabotssz! MY BF IS SUCH A LOSER!! haha.. oppsie. :)